Feel Good Post: Succs Make You Feel Better

To be entirely fair, this post relates to all plants, not just succulents, but we all know succs are the best!

Having indoor succulents can literally boost your mood. They are aesthetically pleasing and comforting to have, but there are some real facts behind this, so read on!

You may already know that plants take in sunlight and carbon dioxide to make energy during photosynthesis. They are our biological yin to our yang, freshening up the air because they take in carbon dioxide and release fresh new oxygen for us to breathe. NASA has found that in 24 hours, plants can remove 87% of harmful air toxins. Aloe vera was the only succulent specially named in the NASA study, and it was able to remove 1,555 mg of formaldehyde in 24 hours.

Aloe Vera
Having succulents in our offices, dorms, and living spaces can help us focus on the present. They are great study companions because they can improve concentration by upwards of 15%. Because of technology, humans can stay indoors for far longer than ever before. A study found that people spend about 85% of their life indoors, so it can really help to bring some of the outdoors in with us. Scientists tested the effects of caring for plants by having different groups care for plants or perform a computer task. Their results showed that the plant activity decreased their sympathetic nervous system activity, lowered their blood pressure, and promoted feelings of peacefulness and calm. It isn't the first study of its kind, and it may be clear to anyone without a degree that humans are connected to nature.

Being outside gives us a feeling of oneness with the earth, it allows our minds to disconnect from the constant buzz of the day and foster a stronger, more spiritual connection with a planet that has been around far longer than we have. Bringing plants inside of our homes and living spaces is bringing the soil back to us, keeping that connection to our roots alive. Thanks, succulents!



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