What sort of blog is this?
A one-of-a-kind succulent experience that brings you cool facts, practical tips, and succulent science. What more could you want? It brings you all those interesting "get this!" articles and compiles them in a single place so that you can appreciate your succulents on a whole deeper level. You haven't ever seen a succulent blog like this before!

Why is it so science-y?
Ask Nature. If Nature hadn't made succulents so science-y, I wouldn't have a blog to stand on.

Who are you, anyway?
I'm a chemistry major who was corrupted by botany. In my second year, I succumbed to the succulent craze that seems to hit all dorm-ridden students. I guess I just wanted a little plant companion that wouldn't die if I forgot to water it. Turns out, there's a lot of chemistry in succulents...and thus, this blog was born.

Can I buy succulents here?
While this blog does not sell any merchandise, you can find a coupon link in the Other Resources tab (and here) for 10% off Mountain Crest Gardens. You can also click any of the affiliate links within the posts to go to Leaf & Clay Premium Succulents. Both places have their pros and cons and offer different varieties.


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