
Welcome to Succulent Scientific, your new favorite resource for science-y related succulent fun!

For millions of years, succulents have learned to survive in harsh, dry dessert environments. They've learned how to conserve water, how to change color, how to process sunlight, and how to keep dry. Their unique adaptations bring us wonderful shapes and colors, even textures like fuzz and pointy thorns.

So what happens when you take a succulent out of the dessert and into your NY apartment? #urbanjungle How do you juggle your studies and keep your succulent dorm companion alive? As succulent owners, we are playing catch-up with nature, watering succulents when it could be killing them, underwatering them for fear of overwatering them, and even...treating them like flowers.

To grow successful succulents, we need to delve into their world and explore the science behind the care. Don't worry, that's what Succulent Scientific is for! I'll be sharing succulent care tips that I've learned first hand throughout our journey together, as well as the science to back it up. Rest assured, your succulents will be thriving in no time!

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