Echeveria gibbiflora and...sperm?

Echeveria gibbiflora is a plant from the Crassulaceae family that grows in México. You may have met one of its popular hybrids in plant nurseries and gardens.

Pictured below is the enchanting Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg, considered to be one of the most beautiful succulent hybrids and included in wedding bouquets and tasteful arrangments. Fun fact: Perle von Nurnberg is a hybrid between Echeveria gibbiflora "metallica" and Echeveria elegans. (More on hybrids and how to breed your own coming soon!)

So what does this have to do with sperm?
It isn't actually a new discovery that this succulent has an unusual affect on sperm. In fact, Echeveria gibbiflora has been popularly used as a "vaginal post-coital rinse" in Mexico for decades. With the world population expanding by 1 billion people each decade, different options for fertility regulation may be desired. While there are many contraceptive methods for women, there are not as many for men. This is why it is so exciting that this succulent can help close the gap, giving us more ways to keep having fun. ;)

So what exactly does it do?
Researchers found that purified Echeveria gibbiflora extract causes sperm cells to change shape and become fatter. Using an electron microscope, they were able to see areas of high electron density in the plasma membrane of the sperm cell (the plasma membrane is like a clear sac that holds the cell together and lets some things in and keeps other things out). This high electron density meant that the plant extract had found a way to become deposited into the plasma membrane. Presumably, this effect allows the succulent extract to act as a contraceptive, either as a vaginal barrier or male contraceptive agent. Echeveria gibbiflora has been used for centuries without any adverse side-effects, however, please don't take medical advice from me! Don't do this at home!

Delgado, N.; Ramirez, J.; Hernandez, A.; Merchant-Larios, H.; Sanchez-Vazquez, M.; Ramirez, G.; Reyes, R. Phytother. res. 1999. 13, 46-49

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